Paige's paper on the evolution of PFASs during photolithography has been published in Environmental Science & Technology! We report on the concentrations of total fluorine...
Congratulations M on a fantastic MS thesis and...
Cornell Graduate Student Student Spotlight - Stephanie Rich (click to...
We are very happy to share Stephanie's second first-author paper as a member of the HRG! In this work, Stephanie used daily, time-proportional composite samples across a...
We had a great time sharing our work and learning from others at the 2023 AEESP Conference hosted by Northeastern University Already looking forward to the next AEESP...
It was an honor to receive an invitation from Prof Weiling Sun to visit Peking University in Beijing, China some years ago It is exciting to now share some fruits of that emerging...
It was an honor to participate in another graduation ceremony for our students Congratulations Paige (PhD), Stephanie (PhD), Yitong (MS), and M (MS)! We are so happy for you and...
Congratulations Yitong on a fantastic MS thesis and...
In this collaborative effort, we used fish bioaccumulation data to train, test, and validate three supervised machine learning algorithms to predict sources of PFAS...
Congratulations Dr Paige...
Congratulations to M and Stephanie for winning prizes for their oral presentations at the 2023 CEE GSA Research...
Happy to share the product of our recent collaboration with colleagues at Stanford (Will Tarpeh), Michigan (Krista Wigginton and Nancy Love), and Buffalo (Diana Aga)! In this...