The 2015 AEESP Conference was held at Yale University this year It was great to see current and former colleagues from Carnegie Mellon and...
Yuhan Ling has joined the research group Yuhan is pursuing an MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering Welcome...
Our recent manuscript led by our partners at Eawag was selected by the Editors of Environmental Science & Technology as the Second Runner-Up for Best Paper of 2014 in the...
The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering held their 7th annual graduate student symposium today CEE graduate students presented their research in oral and poster sessions...
Prof Helbling traveled to Copenhagen to participate in the open end-users meeting for the EU funded project BIOTREAT: Biotreatment of Drinking Water Resources Polluted by...
The October issue of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology is out today There you can find an article where we report on the metabolic profiling of a novel...
Today marks the launch of our research group website The site is under construction, but we hope to be up and running...